Education is very strategis.John C. Bock, the Education and Development: A Conflict Meaning (1992), identifies the role of education as: socializing ideology and values of the socio-cultural nation, to prepare the workforce to fight poverty, ignorance, and promote social change, opportunity and income leveling danuntuk . The first role is the political function of the two roles of education and the other is a function ekonomi.Berkaitan with the development of the role of education is very strategis.John C. Bock, the Education and Development: A Conflict Meaning (1992), identifies the role of education as: socializing ideology and values of the socio-cultural nation, to prepare the workforce to fight poverty, ignorance, and promote social change, opportunity and income leveling danuntuk . The first role is the political function of the two roles of education and the other is a function ... Functional areas fisik.Sejalan paradigm, paradigm of socialization see the role of education in development are:a) developing individual competencies,b) higher level of competence is needed to increase productivity, andc) in general, improve the ability of citizens and the increasing number of citizens who have the capability will increase the life of society as a whole.
Therefore, based on the socialization paradigm, educators ... economic, political and cultural, with the main purpose of improving
welfare of citizens of the nation as a whole. In the development process is the role of education is very strategis.John C. Bock, the Education and Development: A Conflict Meaning (1992), identifies the role of education as: socializing ideology and values of the socio-cultural nation, to prepare the workforce to fight poverty, ignorance, and promote social change, danuntuk merataka ...Development is a continuous process covering all aspects of society, including social, economic, political and cultural, with the main aim improving the welfare of the nation's citizens as a whole. In the development process is the role of education is very strategis.John C. Bock, the Education and Development: A Conflict Meaning (1992), identifies the role of education as: socializing ideology and values of the socio-cultural nation, to prepare the workforce to fight poverty, ignorance, and promote social change, opportunity and income leveling danuntuk . The first role is the political function of the two roles of education and the other is a function ekonomi.Berkaitan with the role of education in national development appears to be the center of the two paradigms for policy makers in education policy development: Functional Paradigm and socialization paradigm. Functional paradigm view that underdevelopment and poverty because people do not have enough people who have the knowledge, skills and modern attitudes. According to the experience in Western societies, educational institutions formal school system is the lead agency to develop the knowledge, skills and expertise to train and inculcate modern attitude of the individuals who are required in the development process. The evidence showed a strong correlation between a person's formal education and participation in development. Further developments arise, Human lnvestmen thesis, which states that
investment in human beings is more profitable,Education Sector in Economic Development What's In North SulawesiDirection of the topic as described above if we look more specifically on economic development in the field of education in northern Sulawesi is allowed in the proposed jempol.hal we can see from the launch of the Movement of ALL SCHOOLS SHOULD or in short SHS Movement in Manado Town Square which took place on 16 November 2009, took place early spektakuler.rencana activities will begin with a healthy way by 10 thousand students were turned pesertannya booming, is estimated at 15 thousand students and teachers in activities that enliven the initial design of a 10 thousand steps.SHS movement has received full support from a number of parties, such as the Bank of North Sulawesi, Bank Indonesia, PLN, Telkom Flexy, Printing Manado, Tasik Ria Resort, as well as the Bank Manadiri.para It provides assistance in the form of money that is given through the student's account (Bank Flammable Rp 350 thousand per student per month), as well as school supplies from bags to stationery menulis.Selain set it at 15 schools in each district in the city of North Sulawesi has prepared a pilot project, to embrace the program students who drop out of school in order to going back to school.Governor SH Sarundajang (SHS) Saying thank you to all the parties, Mainly students and teachers in Manado for having participated in the launch of SHS itu.Katanya movement, a successful and prosperous nation has a human resources Reliable. "People should realize the importance of education is essential and fundamental to the advancement of regional, national and even
The country "he said." We aim to increase the degree of kualita HR in North Sulawesi.According Sarundajang, economic development in the field of education is an important key of pembangunan.ada many reasons for the development pendidikan.misalnya to support economic development, tourism development, including a special area of economic policy.Meanwhile, North Sulawesi Province Department of Education Kadis who were then still held by cpc Djouhari Kansil revealed, with much of the attention of provincial and local government Manado North Sulawesi, is expected of all school-age children to enjoy education. "At least we have to reach the 0.1 people who are illiterate, and increased development index manusia.ujarnya.He Adds, these activities should be triggered throughout stacholders education in North Sulawesi, to foster a vital and strategic role of education in improving the welfare of the people of North Sulawesi.IPM SULUT TWO NATIONAL RANKINGSH Sarundajang governor asserted, one indicator of the success of human resource development is the achievement of Flammable human development index (HDI) in North Sulawesi in the last three years is above the national average and last in the order of 2 after DKI Jakarta.In the Year 2006 North Sulawesi, on IPM rose 74.37 points in the year 2008 increased to 75.16.Nilai 2007.tahun Sulawesi HDI above the national average in figures 70.10 (2006) .70.59 (2007) and
71.17 (2008). Components making up the HDI in 2008, the figure reached 72.01 years of life, the literacy rate of 99.31% and an average length of school year reached 8.80.With that basis, the SHS was determined further promote North Sulawesi, and he waved Nyiur to advance the province's no better way than on a policy of "Building Without Corruption".So, he took Drs Djouhari Kansil MPD as a deputy governor of North Sulawesi, North Sulawesi mendapinginya as a candidate for governor of North Sulawesi 2010-2015 period in the election on 3 August 2010 lalu.dalam time the phrase "I and the pack will continue to enforce Kansil governance in value due to the action and achievements, as well as respected for his sincerity and membanguna kejujuran.kesemuanya indispensable in society in a fair and prosperous North Sulawesi, said the pack was raised at the event Sarundajang declaration of the couple on Monday afternoon on 31 May 2010 last time.Vice Governor, Drs Djouhari Kansil MPd, on the occasion expressed his determination to do our best to assist Sarundajang Flammable. "The challenges ahead for the welfare of the people of North Sulawesi, will increasingly kompleks.salah just went one way is to continue to boost the human resource sector pendidikan.sebab the berkualita will be key to the success of development in the areas of social, political, and cultural. "said the former head of department Kansil Flammable Education.EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTNorth Sulawesi Governor SH Sarundajang delivered a number of achievements in the education sector, the statement of accountability reporting (accountability report) in 2009 in North Sulawesi parliament office.
"The education sector is a cornerstone of human resource development in the area, so that the pedal boot up to the expectations of all parties," said the Governor, before the legislators.Some of the accomplishments achieved in North Sulawesi lapse in 2009, among others, the literacy rate of 99.60% or just 0.4% behind the people who are illiterate or above the national standard of 5%.Partisapasi rough numbers (APK) elementary school (SD) and MI reached 96.15%, and high school (SMP) 98.76%, and upper secondary school (high school) about 83% and all values were above the national target.The average length of schooling is 8.6 years in North Sulawesi or the means to the average population in the region rather close to graduating from high school or junior high school located on the class III Semester II, capain figure was above the national 7.1 years.Besides the quality of education has grown nationally to pilot school adri international school consisting of three elementary schools, six junior high school, high school three schools, and nine vocational schools, he said.SHS raise QUALITY EDUCATIONAnyone who wants to survive and exist in the 21st century the century of competition was filled with those who are able and willing to provide a large portion of the world's attention pendidikan.sebab no longer inevitable, they are failing and unable to compete, baikindividu, organization, region or country are those who quality human resource department is weak and pas-pasan.sebaliknya they exist are successful and those who excel in the quality of human resources, see America, singapore, japan, china, and europe.
History has recorded with gold ink that big leaps renewal is happening in this world is the work of the quality, berpendidikan.hal This also makes the argument we put aharapan mengepa great academics to Sinyo Harry Sarundajang (SHS) untukmelanjutkan large programs in North Sulawesi, which is due to penegembangan keperpihakannya quality of human resources (HR), says Dr Max Ruindungan, expert educational administration from the State University of Manado (UNIMA0 answer pertannyan of Manado Post reporter.According to Max Ruindungan, a new paradigm of economic development of northern Sulawesi as a gateway to eastern Asia and the Pacific have been well placed education as the engine of growth engine growth.atau / perubahan.dalam such a context, I support the SHS program that wants to modernize schools rural areas, including improving the quality of teachers and an additional 200 personnel declared a target and a thousand magister.tegas ruindungan doctor.Max menembahkan Ruindungan, target young workers predicated SHS doctor reproduce up to 200 should also was designed for up to 10 years to grow to 1,000 new doctoral and master new 5000an. "This will be a mainstay and a very powerful source of energy for North Sulawesi to exist in the era sharp competition ahead, "said Max.In a separate Prof Dr Ellem Kumaat, doctor expert techniques that manta French graduate faculty of Engineering Dean of the University of Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) said that anyone should honestly admit, north Sulawesi has appeared proud in national and international forums in the era of SHS leadership these last five years.
SHS five-year agenda that is about to push forward all-out world of education in North Sulawesi as well as to support and berfungsinnya terciptannya gate north Sulawesi to eastern Asia and the Pacific into its own grace and blessing of all rakyat.karena it should have been a big agenda in education and SHS realization of the gateway to eastern Asia and the Pacific are to be enjoyed broad support from the community northern Sulawesi.This agenda jug, added Prof. Ellen, should be understood as a major contribution in the SHS for the construction of a new generation of Sulawesi utara.Generasi didalamnnya future will come enjoy our grandchildren, "so, SHS not think for a moment of political interests, nor is it merely the pursuit of power alone, but SHS would like to dedicate precious treasure for generations anank children and grandchildren, "said Prof. Ellen.While the statement of Prof. Ellen, prof Dr Venetia Danes cardiologist doctor graduates from universities in Australia and Melbourne University lecturer Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) Manado to remind all parties that future human anatr quality competition is inevitable. "Means, if Flammable human quality bias is not relied upon to compete in the global arena, including his own in North Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, as well as part of global.maka he will be marginalized and cumin penonton.ini we certainly do not want, because it let's support the quality of human resource development agenda that has been in the launch palm SHS , 'said Prof Venne Danes.
According to Prof. Danne, the potential is contained in a high quality of humans is much more powerful if the scrutiny of natural resource wealth sekalipun.sebab high-quality human resources can be created, capable of making a breakthrough, and able to make changes to the changes, while certainly capable berinovasi.sementara resources
nature can be discharged, but the usual creative people qualified to take place continuously.So, I agree with SHS gives large portion of the development of quality human resources in Any Field, as well as means to build and help all the citizens of North Sulawesi, which does require a good education, said Prof. Venne
sources :
Simple Blog John C. Bock, the Education and Development: A Conflict Meaning (1992),
The Book "Building Without Corruption" Author Drs.Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, published (2011),
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