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I.LatarHISTORY OF COOPERATION1. HISTORY OF COOPERATION IN THE WORLDCooperatives are almost all industrialized countries and developing countries. Historically Cooperative: social institutions that grow on the basis of traditional solidarity and cooperation between individuals, ever evolving since the beginning of human history until the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe in the late 18th and 19th centuries.These institutions are often called "COOPERATIVE preindustrial"Criteria historical cooperatives through sociological approaches to define the socio-political and social systems, community (gemeinschaft) and community groups that have a cooperative structure, in which the relationships between individuals characterized by solidarity and cooperation, and socio-political forces, which are divided equally among the economic them.In countries that are developing tribal system, form a large family, the local community, most helpful business, traditional cooperation. Cooperatives cooperatives called native (autochthonous cooperative) or traditional cooperation, for example: mutual assistance in Indonesia.A. PIONEER-PIONEER OF COOPERATIONA.1. PIONEER-PIONEER OF COOPERATIVE OF ROCHDALEWhich consists of 28 employees led by Charls Howard in the north England town of Rochdale, on 24 October 1844 establishing a retail business owned by its customers successful. This event is the birth of "Modern Cooperative Movement"Rochdale Equitable Pioneer's Cooperative Society, with cooperative principles:1. Membership is open.2. Democratic oversight.3. Limited interest on capital members.4. Refund of net income in accordance with the services to cooperatives.5. These items are only sold in accordance with the prevailing market price and should be in cash.6. There were no differences based on race, ethnicity, religion and political affiliation.7. The goods sold are genuine items and not damaged or fake.8. Education of members on an ongoing basis.A.2. PIONEER Schultze DELITSCHHerman Schultz-Delitsch (1808-1883), judge and member of the first parliament in Germany which successfully developed the concept badi initiatives and gradual development of urban credit cooperatives, cooperative provision of the means of production for the craftsmen, which is then applied by small traders, and other groups more.In addition to credit unions, cooperatives established Schulze other types, such as:1. Cooperative insurance for the risk of illness and death.2. Cooperative procurement of raw materials and production inputs and market their production.3. Cooperative production, which is where its members as owners and workers at the cooperative at the same time.A.3. PIONEER RAIFFEISSENRaiffeissen Friedrich Wilhelm (1818-1888) head of the village in Flemmerfeld, Weyerbush in Germany. Raiffeissen establish credit cooperatives based on solidarity and unlimited dependents borne by the members of the cooperative societies, and guided brdasarkan principle of self-help, self-managing, and supervising themselves.At that time the business main ideas of conception are:1. Establishment of co-operatives with a simple organization on the basis of group members who are few in number and need each other.2. Implementation of the management of co-operatives by people who trusted and respected by its members, for example: teachers, clergy, etc..3. Lending only to members, but the deposits accepted from non-members.In addition to the cooperative pioneers above, there are also pioneers from other countries such as:1. Luzatti Luigi (1841-1927) in Italy.2. Abbe de Lammerais (1782-1854) in France.3. Sir Horace Plunkett (1854-1932) in Ireland.2. Cooperatives in IndonesiaCooperatives in Indonesia, according to the 1992 Act, is defined as a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities with the bases cooperative activities based on the principles of co-operatives as well as the economic movement is based on the principle of the family. In Indonesia, the cooperative principles have been laid down in Law no. 12 of 1967 and Law no. 25 of 1992. The principle of co-operatives in Indonesia is approximately equal to the internationally recognized principle with a slight difference, that is the explanation of the SHU (Business Profits).3. History of cooperatives in IndonesiaA brief history of the cooperative movement began in the 20th century, which generally is the result of that effort was not spontaneous and is not done by people who are very wealthy. Cooperative grow from among the people, while suffering in the economic and social field generated by the capitalist system mounting. Some people whose livelihoods simple with limited economic capacity, driven by the suffering and the economic burden of the same, spontaneously unite to help himself and his fellow man.In 1896 a municipal Patih R.Aria Wiria Atmaja in Navan set up a bank for public servants (aristocracy). He was driven by his desire to help those employees who increasingly suffer from trapped by moneylenders who provide loans with high interest rates. Patih intent is to establish a model of credit cooperatives in Germany. Ideals are then forwarded by the spirit of De Wolffvan Westerrode, a Dutch resident assistant. De Wolffvan Westerrode while on leave were able to visit Germany and advocated Aid Savings Bank will convert the existing Aid to Banks, Savings and Agriculture. Besides civil farmers also need to be helped as they increasingly suffer from the pressures of the pengijon. He also advocated changing into a cooperative bank.In addition, he founded the village granaries are encouraging farmers to save the harvest season and provide relief loans pceklik paddy season. He also tried to make it into barns Credit Cooperative Rice. But the Dutch government at the time was another opinionated. Bank Aid, Savings and Agriculture and Cooperative Village Office is not used but the Dutch government established a new village barns, village banks, pawnshops and cash Centrale which later became Bank Rakyak Indonesia (BRI). All of that is a business entity's authority and led by the people government.In the Dutch-forming cooperatives can not be implemented because:1. No government agencies or non-governmental agencies that provide information and education on cooperatives.2. There is no law that governs the cooperative.3. Colonial government itself is still in doubt because of political considerations suggest cooperatives, cooperative worry it will be used by the policy for the purpose of threatening the government colony.In 1908, Budi Utomo founded by Dr. Sutomo provide a role for the cooperative movement to improve the lives of the people. In 1915, regulations made Verordening op de Cooperatieve Vereeniging, and in 1927 Regeling Inlandschhe Cooperatieve.In 1927 established Islamic Trade Unions, which aims to fight the economic position pengusah-indigenous entrepreneurs. Then, in 1929, established the Indonesian National Party fighting for the dissemination of the cooperative spirit.However, in 1933 out of a similar law Law no. 431 so lethal cooperative effort for the second time. In 1942 Japan occupied Indonesia. Japan then established cooperative kumiyai. Originally cooperative run smoothly. However, its function has changed dramatically and become a tool to benefit Japan, and misery to the people of Indonesia. After Indonesia's independence, on July 12, 1947, the cooperative movement in Indonesia Cooperative Congress held the first in Tasikmalaya. Today is then designated as the Day of Cooperatives Indonesia.SOURCE:1. purwakartakab.bps.go.id2. Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs3. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koperasi
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